With Christmas right around the corner and the advent-season blooming, it's time for Christmas music again!
I'm very happy to say that my piece "The White Messengers" has found
its way across the pond to its first ever performance in the United States.
The US-premiere was performed by the Orchestra of the Southern Finger
Lakes with Toshiyuki Shimada conducting. Shimada is a well known conductor
who also studied under Bernstein and Karayan, he also performed with incredible soloists such as Hillary Hahn, Itzhak Perlam and James Galway. The holiday concert that was kindly sponsored by the
Hilliard Foundation NY and Donor Tributes.
The concert took place on the 7th December in the Clemens Center in Elmira, NY. Knowing that my music was performed alongside legends of the classic world such as Bach, Vivaldi or
Handel but also Anderson (whom I admire greatly!), Jenkins and Irving Berlin is very flattering, to say the least.
I've written this piece in 2016 and it was initially intended to be a piece for children's choir and orchestra. After some time I was debating if it wouldnt fit better as a symphonic piece rather than a mix of choir and orchestra, I then decided to rework it and make it just a symphonic piece. As I composed the melody based on the lyrics I wrote for the piece, you might hear some words here and there event hough they aren't really there, that's what you get when writing a melody based on text.
If you are not familiar with The White Messengers, you can listen to the piece below.