I’m very(!) excited to finally, and officially, announce the upcoming release of my new album ‘We’re Going on an Adventure‘.
The album will be released on the 5th November and will be purchasable on ITunes, Amazon and Bandcamp, you will also be able to stream it on Spotify. There will also be a limited amount of physical CD's available!
‘We’re Going on an Adventure’ is the result of a 3 year journey for me. I was working on and off on it and some of the tracks where the catalysts of finally allowing me to work with a real orchestra and experience something many composers seldom get the chance to, I feel absolutely blessed to have made these experiences.
The album features a total of 10 tracks and each track explores an emotion one could face in a journey from beginning to end.
Over the next couple of weeks you’ll hear and see more from me, lots of exciting stuff is coming up!